Get out your tissues now. This will be the final installment of 8 Weeks to Saving More. I know, I'm emotional about it too.
I finish this blog series with the same picture I started with in Week 1 because there are two words on the illustration that are important to remember: START and FINISH. We had a definite starting point (see Week 1 if you want to go back), but with a challenge like this, are you ever really finished?
You see, I happen to think this is really a beginning. The end of our time together, but a start for managing your money in a way that brings your wildest dreams to fruition. You can stop wishing for them and start paying for them.
If you've followed along on this journey and haven't made the strides you'd hoped, I'm here to encourage you. There is a statement I tell myself often:
Progress trumps perfection Every Single Time. You know why? Because perfection is a myth. You'll never have it. You'll never have it all perfectly together with your money or anything else in life. (And if you think you do, you'd better look behind your shoulder because there's probably a hot mess somewhere back there.)
Instead of asking you if you've followed along every step of the way with this savings challenge and completed all of the tasks, I'm going to ask you these questions:
Did you make progress with your money over the course of this challenge?
If so, in what way? Are you staying on budget, using cash on a regular basis, or using coupons like a boss? Be specific in thinking about and listing your successes with this challenge.
Review the two goals/ dreams you named in Week 1. Are you any closer to realizing those things as a result of this challenge?
From this point forward, what will you do differently when it comes to your money? What would you like to do differently?
I have enjoyed our time together throughout this challenge! I hope it has helped you realize that there are ways to save all around you, if you're creative enough to search for them.
Week 8, Task 1: Ask yourself the questions above. Be honest with yourself, but make sure to celebrate your progress!
Week 8, Task 2: If you'd like to beef up your progress even more, consider purchasing my book, 8 (Really Creative) Ways to Save, which will give you a slew of ideas to help you save even more money.
You can always go back and review previous weeks of this challenge and work on them if you need to catch up. Any time you leave a comment on the blog, I'll be sure to respond as soon as I see it.
Week 8, Task 3: If you've made any strides in funding your goals/ dreams, I'd love for you to share in the comments below and let me celebrate with you!
Congratulations! You've just completed the 8 Weeks of Saving More Challenge!
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